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ACCPACK 127 SdKfz 138 Grille
Combat History
The Marder II had a wide and varied combat history. The Marder IIs were used by the Panzerjäger Abteilungen of the Panzer divisions of both the Heer and the Waffen SS, as well as several Luftwaffe units, it was the first armoured vehicle to be used by the Fallschirmjager. Seeing service in all theatres, with the vast majority seeing action on the Eastern front, there were over 300 that took part during the Kursk Campaign. The vehicle saw service in North Africa, Italy and the Western Front. Six were sent to Denmark, one of which was purchased by the Swedes for evaluation and can be seen in the Arsenalen Tank Museum Strängnäs (Sweden). It’s now one of only four surviving vehicles in the world.
The Marder’s limitations were mainly related to survivability. A combination of a high silhouette and open-top fighting compartment made the vehicle vulnerable to indirect artillery fire, aircraft strafing, and grenades. Relatively thin armour made them vulnerable to enemy tanks or infantry. The Marders were not assault vehicles or tank substitutes; the open-top compartment meant operations in crowded areas such as urban environments or other close-combat situations were not an option. They were best employed in defensive or overwatch roles. Despite their Achillies Heel, they were more effective than the towed antitank guns that they replaced and well liked by their crews.
Our Marder is supplied without crew figures, these are available on our website in limited numbers whilst stocks last.
5 in stock
Sd Kfz 138 H Grille
The first variant of the Grille was based on the Panzer 38(t) Ausf. H chassis, which had its engine in the rear. Instead of a turret, the vehicle had a low-slung superstructure and fighting compartment. The 15 cm (5.9 in) Sig 33 (heavy infantry gun) was mounted in the front of this armored compartment. Being built on a tank chassis, its hull armour was 50 mm (2.0 in) at the front and its superstructure armour was 25 mm (0.98 in) at the front.
A total of 200 (including one prototype) were produced at the BMM factory in Prague from February to June 1943, and 10 more units were built in November 1943. The official designation was 15 cm Schweres Infanteriegeschütz 33 (Sf) auf Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) Ausf. H (Sd.Kfz. 138/1). The Grille served on the majority of fronts during WW2 including Italy, Russia and Normandy.
Our 1/30 scale release is available in 3 versions as follows with 45 of each version available:
Accpack 126 Grille with German cross on side, no other decals applied
Accpack 127 Grille with 932 serial number applied
Accpack 128 Grille with 912 serial number applied
The Grille is priced at $299. The price does not include any figures which are available separately.
Club members can claim a 5% discount at point of purchase.
The barrel elevates and depresses as required.
Available end of February.
Two new figures are released this month to coincide with the Grille, plus a new seated commander figure with binos will also be available in the near future.