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WOW249 B-29 Superfortress
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The Boeing B-29 Superfortress was a four engine propeller driven heavy bomber designed by Boeing and flown primarily by the USA during WW2 and the Korean war. The Superfortress was designed for high altitude bombing but also excelled in low altitude incendiary bombing and is of course best remembered for dropping the Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The B-29 was one of the largest aircraft of WW2 and had a unique analogue computer controlled firing system that allowed one gunner and a fire control officer to direct four remote gun turrets.
The $3 billion development cost of design and production ($41,750,462,107 in today’s money) far exceeded the $1.9 billion cost of the Manhattan project and made the B-29 programme the most expensive of the war. The B-29’s advanced design allowed it to remain in service in various roles throughout the 1950s. The type was retired in the early 1960s, after 3,970 had been built. This 1/32 scale model will be available next month with a total of 5 being produced.
Fu-Kemal-Tu was based with the 444th Bomber Group
Please note this model of the B-29 comes with detachable wings to save on shipping costs and is priced at $1750 plus shipping. This Product will not be available for delivery until early July.